In the Greek language, the term for knowledge is divided into three aspects: Sophia, Nus, and Episteme, in which "Nus" specifically encompasses spirit, intellect, understanding, or reason.
For the artistic collective NUS2, the process of rethinking artistic, philosophical, or content-related problems is associated with a detachment from the initial sensory impression.
In the working processes, the focal point lays on the rational and analytical rather than the emotional aspects of the thinking process, however, the intent is by no means to eliminate subjectivity. On the contrary: through systems of coding, subtraction, and addition, the subjective perception is deliberately encouraged and both creators thus withdraw from the primary experience. Only then can a new work / inventive result originate that emancipates itself from its former source of inspiration.
The two members of the NUS2 artistic collective are the artist and art historian Nina Lapislazuli and the author and philosopher Lotte Frahm.